Ribb-Eats 3D Assets

A chaotic co-op game about frogs driving cars

Ribb-Eats 3D Assets

A chaotic co-op game about frogs driving cars

Ribb-Eats, currently in Alpha, is an ongoing project of Wynning Studios. 
The game is a co-op multiplayer game set in a small city, where the players need to work together to deliver as many food orders for a company called Ribb-Eats. Unfortunately, they are frogs in a human sized car they found in the dump. With a car constantly breaking in many ways, and flies desperate to steal the food bag, each frog needs to hop and use their tongues to beat the timer and get as much money as they can. 
Our team finally found their footing with Ribb-Eats, production was easily manageable through the Agile process, and as a team we knew where we fit and what our roles were. While there were a few hiccups with the longer time frame, we spend majority of our time working on our mechanics, creating a truly fun game before turning around and incorporating all of the assets our artists created during the design and development phase.
I worked hard with my team to ensure we were always on track with weekly stand ups, and 2 week long sprints spanning the entirety of the 8 months we had to work on the game.
Learning what I did from the creating the Alpha version of Ribb-Eats, our team will be spending longer phases, but shorter sprints, working on the game to ensure the time is spent the most optimally during our working periods. I found out our teams ability to concentrate on our tasks reduced during breaks but motivation would keep going if results were created, so having longer phases with tangible goals will help. I also found some team members would spend more time towards the end of the sprint to finish their tasks before the end instead of spreading it out. To avoid crunch, less tasks per sprint but shorter sprint times will allow a more healthy work-life balance.
I have created an ideal road map for the future of Ribb-Eats to increase motivation and accountability, and have clear goals and timelines. In our task management system, it is set in more detail, split per team (Art, Design, Development, Sound, UI, Management) and then divided from there by person and Sprint. This is based on how our team works, and how much time we are able to dedicate to the game.
I am constantly vigilant in moving priorities and task delegations based on unavoidable problems ensuring there is always 2-3 weeks of leeway for testing or if something happens.
I am also in charge of ensuring Ribb-Eats showcases go well with organising equipment, schedules, and marketing.
Ribb-Eats Trailer

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